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Offending everyone since 1st April 2013, Brutal Sphincter is one of those GoreGrind heavy weight acts you cannot miss. 

Thanks to their unique approach of what GoreGrind is, Brutal Sphincter turned out to be one of the most interesting and active bands in their own scene.

On each one of their performances, they are willing to deploy as much energy as possible. This is why they are a band who can fit from the smallest venue to the biggest metal festival. They want the people to party with them and so they always do. 


This is why they have had the occasion to play with massive acts such as Sepultura, Cannibal Corpse or even Meshuggah.

Bringing political thematics to their music genre, they are calling them self "POOlitical" and, through an off-beat / satirical humour, stands against all kind of extremism and supports freedom of speech.

After 10 years of intense activity and two albums released by Rotten Roll Rex, Brutal Sphincter has already played hundreds of shows & festivals in around 18 European countries. Amongst them some of the biggest such as Hellfest, Metaldays, Obscene Extreme, Netherlands Deathfest and Deathfeast Open Air. 

Spermain Germain 


BASS 2015 - present

GUITARS 2013 - 2015

Major Diarrhea


UNPITCHED VOCALS 2013 - present



Don Julio de la Linguetta


DRUMS 2024 - present

GG Stalin Griska 


PITCHED VOCALS 2015 - present

Corde Sensible


LEAD/MAIN GUITARS 2018 - present